类别 全部 - routine - work - health - family

作者:Reelika Tsirp 8 年以前



Keiti Mari, a 40-year-old hotel-restaurant worker in Helsinki, manages a demanding schedule that involves long shifts and frequent travel. She commutes between Helsinki and Tallinn, where she reunites with her family, including her husband and two children.


Keiti Mari: typical off-day at work

Keiti Mari
Age: 40 years
Profession: Working at ahotel-restaurant in Helsinki
Family: Husband 45 years old,working at a bank in Tallinn. Two children 13 and 11 years goes to school inTallinn.

Keiti is healthy. She works longshifts (10-12 hours) at the restaurant three days a week and at that time shestays in a personnel housing at the hotel. In her off-days she goes back to herfamily in Tallinn.
The younger child has had diabetes since she was4 years old. Keiti is sometimes feeling very tired in the week, but she likesher job very much and she appreciates the opportunity to longer off-work time.


Wake up and do things, what people do in the mornings: brush teeth, eat breakfest, dress up.


Arrive at the port to go to the Tallinn, her home is there.


She arrives to Tallinn port and her husband picks her up.


Husband goes back to the work and Keiti stays at home with her younger daughter. Daughter is feeling sick and Keiti decides to use E-health Webregistration (Lääne Tallinna Keskhaigla) to register for family doctor reception.


Keiti got a call from Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla and receptionist told that she can visit daughter doctor at 4.00 pm. It was good news for her.


Despite that Keiti's daughter is sick, they still try to eat lunch. Keiti is cooking at home.


After eating Keiti takes her daughter temperature and it is 37.9 C. She sends her daugter to bed and advices her to get some sleep.


While daughter sleeps, Keiti decides to clean at home little bit and read a book.


Older daughter comes home from school and Keiti heats her some food. After that they are leaving house with younger daughter. They are going to the bus station.


Doctor said to Keiti that her daughter has a cold and she needs to rest and drink hot tea or water. Because Keitis daughter has diabetes, doctor took clinical blood tests to control her blood parameters. Results will be available by tomorrow.


Keitis husband picks them up at 17.00.
They are going to home. Now Keiti prepares dinner for her family.


Keiti and her husband decides to go to the cinema to spend some time together.


They arrive home. Because it is late they remind their daughters to take bath and after that they should go to sleep. But before going to sleep Keiti takes temperature on younger daughter. It is 38.0 degrees. She gives 500mg of Paracetamol to her daughter, thus it will reduce her temperature, so she could sleep better. She wishes her daughters good night.


Keiti feels tired and takes shower and goes to sleep.