作者:kenneth crespo 16 年以前
Strengthening national defense involves multiple facets, including restoring alliances and engaging allies to address shared security challenges. It is crucial to support and modernize the National Guard and Reserves to ensure they are prepared for contemporary missions.
DEFENSE Develop Whole of Government Initiatives to Promote Global Stability Integrate Military and Civilian Efforts Create a Civilian Assistance Corps (CAC) Build Defense Capabilities for the 21st Century Protect the U.S in Cyberspace Ensure Freedom of Space National Missile Defense Maintain Power Projection at Sea Preserve Global Reach in the Air Review Weapons Programs Fully Equip Our Troops for the Missions They Face Reform Contracting Create Transparency for Military Contractors Restore Honesty, Openness, and Commonsense to Contracting and Procurement Invest in a 21st Century Military Lighten the Burdens on Our Brave Troops and Their Families Leadership from the Top Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground Rebuild the Military for 21st Century Tasks Restore Our Alliances Organize to Help Our Partners and Allies in Need Engage Our Allies in Meeting Our Common Security Challenges Restore the Readiness of the National Guard and Reserves Equip, Support, and Modernize the National Guard and Reserves