类别 全部 - kebutuhan - sistem - desain - informasi

作者:Refina Agustin 3 年以前


Desain Sistem Secara Umum

Sebuah sistem informasi yang dirancang dengan baik dapat memberikan keuntungan signifikan bagi manajemen dan pengguna. Desain sistem secara umum mencakup berbagai aspek mulai dari desain database, output, dan input hingga penilaian kelayakan dari berbagai perspektif seperti ekonomi, hukum, operasi, teknik, dan jadwal.

Desain Sistem Secara Umum

Desain Sistem Secara Umum

Conflict is present everywhere in the world around us. We experience conflict on a daily basis, and it can be minor or major.

Conflict in a story is a struggle between opposing forces. Characters must act to confront those forces and there is where conflict is born. If there is nothing to overcome, there is no story. Conflict in a story creates and drives the plot forward.

7. Desain teknologi secara umum

Topologi LAN
Teknologi LAN
Bagian Pengiriman
Bagian Billing
Bagian kredit
Bagian order penjualan
Bagian pengolahan data elektronik

8. Desain teknologi secara umum

Melacak dan mengkoreksi kesalahan-kesalahan

9. Analisis Biaya/Manfaat

Direct Position
Teknologi Dpp LAN

10 Penilaian Kelayakan

Kelayakan Hukum
Kelayakan Ekonomi
Kelayakan Jadual
Kelayakan Operasi
Kelayakan Teknik

11. Kebutuhan perangkat keras

Diagram arus data mencetak laporan status persediaan
Diagram arus data mencetak laporan penjualan
Diagram arus data level 2
Diagram berjenjang proses mencetak laporan
Diagram berjenjang sistem pengendalian pemasaran dan penjualan

As this conflict is more science fiction based, in real life we can't find such examples.

However, as technology became a big part of our lives there are some situations that man made machines affects our lives.

Find such examples.

Diagram arus data mencetak laporan back order dan order
Diagram arus data level 0

6. Desain database secara umum

A more contemporary type of conflict, this situation results from humans involved in a struggle with man-made machines. This is an external conflict.

Kumpulan File

Give examples of man versus machine conflict in a literary work.

5. Desain Input secara umum

This situation results from a protagonist working against what has been foretold for that person. While this conflict was more prevalent in stories where gods could control fate, such as in ancient Greek dramas, there are still examples of this type of conflict in more contemporary literature.

Input dialog di layar terminal

Since in real life we can't say that such examples of man versus supernatural, there are some superstitions that can influence a person's life.

Give examples of these superstitions.


Give examples of man versus fate conflict in a literary work.

4. Desain Output Secara umum

In this type of conflict, a character must take on society itself, and not a single person. The character stands at odds with societal norms and realizes the necessity to work against these norms. This is an external conflict.

Softcopy Device

Give examples of man versus society conflict in the real world.

Hardcopy Device

Give examples of man versus society conflict in a literary work.

3. Desain Model secara umum

This conflict develops from a protagonist’s inner struggles and may depend on a character trying to decide between good and evil or overcoming self-doubt. This conflict has both internal and external aspects, as obstacles outside the protagonist's force them to deal with inner issues.

Bagan alir sistem proses jurnal dan posting buku besar
Bagan alir sistem proses merekamkan pengiriman
Bagan alir sistem proses merekam transaksi penjualan
Bagan alir sistem proses pembuat faktur
Bagan alir sistem proses mengevaluasi kredit

Give examples of man versus self conflict in the real world.

Bagan alir sistem proses mengecek pemenuhan order.

Give examples of man versus self conflict in a literary work.

2. Tekanan tekanan desain

In this type of conflict, a character is tormented by natural forces such as storms or animals. This is also an external conflict.

Kebutuhan kebutuhan kelayakan
Kebutuhan biaya-Efektivitas
Faktor faktor Manusia
Faktor faktor organisasi
Kebutuhan kebutuhan pengolahan data
Permintaan Perhitungan
Hambatan waktu pengolahan
Kebutuhan kebutuhan sistem
Kemudahan dipelihara
Umur di harapkan dan potensi pertumbuhan
Skedul Instalasi
Kendala sistem
Kualitas dan kegunaan informasi
Tantangan persaingan
Sistem informasi dapat meningkatkan produktivitas pekerja dan manajemen.
Sistem informasi akan menyediakan informasi kepada manajemen untuk mengatasi persaingan dan merebut pangsa pasar yang ada
Sistem informasi akan menyediakan pelayanan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggan dengan mempercepat proses order dan mengurangi kesalahan kesalahan yang terjadi.
Jalur pemakai/Sistem

Give examples of man versus nature conflict in the real world.

Desain Workstation
Pengendalian Kesalahan
Umpan balik
Desain Layar
Query language

Give examples of man versus nature conflict in a literary work.

File server LAN

1. Tujuan Desain Sistem Secara UMUM

A situation in which two characters have opposing desires or interests. The typical scenario is a conflict between the protagonist and antagonist. This is an external conflict.


Give examples of man versus man conflict in the real world.


Give examples of man versus man conflict in a literary work.