Design Review - What does a Review Cycle look like
The process of using Autodesk Design Review involves a collaboration between two primary roles: the CAD Technician and the Reviewer. The Reviewer initiates the cycle by creating and opening a DWF file, making necessary markups, and then saving the file.
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What does a
Review Cycle look like? Reviewer closes the Review Cycle and CAD Tech publishes Plans Plans are delivered to the Client CAD Tech sees latest version number and approved status in DWF file name, opens DWG and Plots to PDF and/or printer Reviewer accepts all changes as complete and publishes DWF with approved status in file name Design Review Process Diagram CAD Tech Workflow CAD Tech publishes DWF to Markups folder with a different file name CAD Tech changes status of markups CAD Tech makes changes to drawing CAD Tech Imports DWF with Markups CAD Tech opens Markup Set Manager Palette CAD Tech opens DWG Reviewer Workflow Reviewer makes Markups and saves DWF Reviewer opens DWF in Design Review Create DWF in Markups folder Open DWG in TruView Two types of team members are involved in the Review Cycle CAD Tech Reviewer