作者:tom manners 15 年以前
Dida Unit 1 mind map
The tasks outlined are designed to ensure the successful creation and assessment of various components within an eportfolio project, a trip planning exercise, and other organizational activities.
Dida Unit 1 Planning 3: make it easy to view 2: teacher must agree with plan 1: produce a detailed plan Destination database 6: update ongoing plan 5: update sources table 4: create a new record for each destination 3: carry out research and gather all the data i need 2: import the data set 1: design and build a suitable database structure to store the data Getting organised 3: create a sources table 1: create a welcome folder E-card 2: make use of feedback 1: design and create the e-cards Invitation 1: create the invitation Review 2: produce a project review 1: ask teacher to evaluate the finished publications Eportfolio 10: ask viewers for comments on the finished eportfolio 9: make sure eportfolio is not to big 8: specify the browser of ofter you were using for testing Scenario 2: read through brief 1: check you understand symbols 7: get feedback 6: test eportfolio to make sure it works 5: make sure the final publications are clearly presentated 4: complete eportfolio using the structure chart 3: create a structure chart to map out the pages of your eportfolio 2: save the list 1: make a list of everything that should be in the eporfolio Keeping track 2: make a project log of all the work you are doing 1: take action when problems occur, Trips 17: update ongoing plan 16: get feedback 15: decide on the destination for each trip 14: test the spreadsheet 13: create the spreadsheet 12: update ongoing plan 11: use the infomation to decide on a shortlist 10: find out more about all of the destinations and what they have to offer 9: create the group rate per student for each remaining destination 8: eliminate destinations with a travelling time of higher than 4 hours each way 7: use postcodes to find the distance and travel time to each of the destination in the data collection table 6: enter the name and postcode for each possible destination 5: create a data collections table 3: get feedback 2: prepare 4 trip lists using search results to help 1: use the database to search for possible destinations for each trip Student profile 7: update ongoing plan 6: update sources table 5: save images 4: find or create images of the 2 emblem 3: update ongoing plan 2: discuss profile with teacher 1: decide on a profile Welcome 2: get feedback 1: create the posters Leaflet 4: update ongoing plan 3: update sources table 2: create the leaflet 1: carry out research and decide on the questions that you wont to ask for each destination