作者:Holly schomaker 10 年以前
disease in cattle sheep and horses that can be transmitted to humans
causes anthrax
some produce anti-biotics
only feww are pathogenic to humans
common in soil
rods that produce endospores
large enough to be seen by the unaided eye
lives in intestinal tract
foodborne diarriha
cause tetanus
resistance to heat and many chemicals
contains endo spores
preditor on other bacteria
move by gliding leaving a trail of slime
vegatave cells
uses sulfur rather than oxygen
Sulfu-reducing bacteria
after attatching it reproduces
attacks gram negatives
azobacter and azomonas
causes turlaremia
grows in comples media enriched with blood tissue extracts
small pleomorphic bacteria
accumulates granules of sulfur
uses hydrogen sulfade as an energy source
attatches to the surface
production of slime
mobility is by gliding
grows in aquadic sediments
as they grow they form fluffy slimmy masses
important in sewage treatment process
causes gonorroea and meningitis
lives in mucus membrane of animals
cause of whooping cough
grows in disinfectant solutions
problem for people with cystic fibrosis
capable degrading 100 different organic molocules
single polar flugellum
gram negative
fresh water
relativly large
mainly in fresh water
involved in decomposition of organic material
important in sulfur cycle
sulfur oxidizing
most common cause of peptic ulcers adn stomach cancer
curved rods with multipul flagellum
outbreaks in food born intestinal disease
can cause spontainous aborthion in domestic animals
each cell has one polar flugellum
lives in humans, animals, water, sewage, and soil
hospital aquired infections
can cause urinary tract infection
causes soft rot diseases
primarly plant pathogens
contact from respitory dropplets from infected aminal
urban rats and ground squarels carry fleas transmitt it
causes the plague
found in wombs
causese urinary tract infects
as a result the colony concentric rings
outside cells have flagella for movement and the inside have fewer
can be found in sterile solutions
can cause urinary tract infection
distinguished by red pigment
can cause serious forms of pmeumonia
found in soil or water
can cause life threatning dysentery
causes bacillary dysentery or shigellosis/ only found in humans
causes typhoid fever
identified by the letters KOH
commonly found in the intestines of animals :especially pultry and cattle.
almost all members are pathogenic
causes urinary tract infections and traveler's diarrhea and occasionally very serious foodborne diseases
its presence in water and food indicate fecal contamination
most common inhabitants of the intestinal tract
reduce nitrogenous compounds
important to agriculture
capable of using inorganic chemicals
genra of nitrifying bacteria
important for bodies defense against bacteria
cause brucellosis
causes crown gall
does not induse root nodules
invade plants
form nodules result in nitrogen fixation
known by rhizobia
specifically infect roots of beans peas and clover
cat-scratch disease
contains several human pathogens
produce prominent prosthecae
low-nutrient aquadic environments
use budding process to reproduce
able to anchor
found in placesd like lakes
cause ehrlichiosis
transmitted by ticks
live in white blood cells
responsible for many diseases related to spotted fever
they are transmitted to human from bites from insects
reproduce only in mammalian cell
convert ethanol into acetic acid
industrially important
nitrogen fixation
grows in roots of plants such as tropical grasses
soil bacterium
live in low nutrient enviroment
extremely small
marine Microbe
most abundant microorganisms on earth
causes sexually transmitted disease chancroid
septic arthritis in children, bronchitis and phneumonis
cause epiglottis
cause meningitis
require blood
inhabit mucus of upper respitory tract, mouth vagina and intestinal tract.
causes sepsis in cattle fowl cholera in chickens and other fowl and pneumia