作者:virgin marie 9 年以前
ear sense
The ear is a highly active organ responsible for detecting sound through vibrations. It consists of three main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Sound enters through the outer ear, specifically the pinna, which funnels sound waves into the auditory canal.
Functions of the parts of the ear auditory nerve this send messages to the brain, which are then interpreted as sounds ear cannal then narrow passage throug wich sound enters the ear. cochlea the fluid inside the cochlea passes vibrations to tiny hairs connected to auditory nerves oval window is at the boundary between the middle ear and inner ear ear drum the beginnig of the middle ear and is made of a thing sheet of muscle and skin auditory cannal conects the outer ear with the drum pinaa colects sounds and funnels them in to the auditory cannal ear sense Video hearing aids Are electronic devices that enable a person with hearing loss. protection Is the use of devices designed to prevent noise induced hearing loss etc... Hearing mechanism there are three main parts:the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear Subtema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMXoHKwWmU8 Parts of it Subtopic ear Is always active perception Is the ability to perceive the sound by detecting vibrations hearing Sound may be heard through solid, liquid, or gaseous matter is one of the traditional five senses