作者:Heather McEwen 11 年以前
The educational journey described involves a comprehensive curriculum designed to integrate various aspects of clinical medicine, pharmacy, and ethics. Early years include foundational courses on clinical medicine principles, evidence-based medicine (
EBM I & II Pharmacy Elective: Evidence Based Decision-Making in Patient Care Journal Club Presentation, etc. (Year 2 or 3) PPCE Research for interprofessional ethics assignments (Year 1) Journal Club Presentations (Years 2, 3, & 4) Drug Information Question Assignments (Years 2,3, & 4) Nutraceuticals Lecture (Year 2) Pharmacotherapeutics EBM related lectures P3 Pharmacy Residency Preparation Elective Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (Year 4) NAPLEX (after graduation) Prologue Journal article assignment (Year 1) Community Experience Researching projects Human Values in Medicine (Year 1) Research for interprofessional ethics assignments PACE Seminar assignments Introduction to POM (Year 2) EBM & Epidemiology lecture USMLE Step 1 (Between Year 2 & 3) Statistics & Research Design Questions Boot Camp & Clerkships (Year 3) PBLI assignments Interprofessional Team Project (year 2) Currently within Principles of Clinical Medicine & PPCE 7 Literature Searching & Evaluation Skills Infection & Immunity Assignments