类别 全部 - education - unemployment - learning - poverty

作者:Anita van Vuuren 6 年以前


Ecosystem A Mindmap

Louis mindmap

Ecosystem A Mindmap

My Learning Ecosystem: Bongani High School

Click on the Google Drive icon on the right for a Google Earth map of my ecosystem.

School Learning culture

Low motivation
Vandalism and theft of resources
Resistance to change
Lack of accountability

Parents and Community

Lack of positive role models
Alcohol and drug abuse
High unemployment and poverty
Lack of parental involvement

School management

Lack of vision
Lame duck leadership
Political appointees


Lack of acountability
Low moral
Little ICT skills
Strongly unionised
Teach outside field of specialization


Outcomes of schooling
Cheap labour market
High drop-out rate
Teenage pregnancies
Drug abuse
Poor academic performance

My envisaged ecosystem

Learn from best practices from top performing countries
South Korea
Lifelong learning
Collaborative learning
Teacher as facilitator
Flexible learning environment
Technology integration
Inventive thinkers

Affordances of ICT

Collaborative intelligence
Recursive feedback
Multimodal meaning
Active knowledge making
Ubiquitous learning
Differentiated learning

Solicited advice/suggestions from peers

Dedicated ICT trainer
Community police forum
Motivational speakers
Fundraising campaigns
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Professional development

Education department

Paper war
Ineffective support
Check list mentality