作者:Sarah Ducharme 12 年以前
ES Library 2011-2012
The ES Library's activities for 2011-2012 encompass various initiatives aimed at enhancing educational experiences and community engagement. The library has global outreach programs, including collaborative projects with Indonesia for first graders and a Skype Poetry Day.
ES Library 2011-2012 Global Outreach Farsang & World festivals Voice Threads with indonesia, grade 1 Skype Poetry Day Faculty Outreach Weekly blog posts Trainings Faculty meeting updates Curriculum Integration Grade 5 Poetry (5W)
Inventors (5W)
Global Issues Research
Grade 4 Author Study (4M)
Word Choice (4T, 4H)
Middle Ages research
Library Boot Camp
Grade 3 Author Study
Genre Studies
Follow That Peach
Create units - 1 per grade in Atlas Create year plans in Atlas Student Programs Plant a Kiss Picture Book Month Golden Dragon/Silver Knight Author Visit Amy K Rosenthal Courtney Campbell Bryn Barnard Community Outreach Social Media Blog Facebook PSA meetings Facility Lighting Added lights around the perimeter of the room Shelving I-Can-Read section will be re-built to create browsing bins Weeding Deleted cassette tapes; this will allow for fixed seating in the back of the room weeding the Dewey section to allow for removal of one bookcase; this will increase seating area. Tech iPads laptops Furniture Listening station Not done
Fixed seating: Carpeted steps Game chairs Bean bags Digital Sign Slideshare? Keynote Animoto