作者:Gacic Milica 3 年以前
Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using sport programs at municipal recreation centres to help reduce youth violence
Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using sport programs at municipal recreation centres to help reduce youth violence
Eases pressure on health system
Increases their mental and physical health
Decreases mental health
Increases social interaction
Friends outside of school
When playing sports it teaches them their sense of belonging
When playing a team sport, it teaches the youth how to cooperate
Brings people together, while providing opportunities for social interaction
Increases self-esteem
Find their identity through sports
Dynamic Domain
Become expressive in moral and character
Improves problem solving skills
Helps youth learn how to work with the
things they have
Helps youth know how to interact with
each other
Enables the youth to exert control over
their environment
Youth Violence: includes from 10 year old to young adults that are around 24 being threatened intentionally by the use of physical force or power.
Causes of Youth Violence
Issues in education system
Guidance counsellors are not trained properly
Low expectations for people of colour
Community design
Lack of places for youths to gather
The conditions of the community can
make people feel powerless
The experience of opression
Lack of hope, empathy, or belongingness
Leads to self-esteem
Being sent back to their home country
Racism strikes the core of self-identity
About 1 in 5 youth Ontarians struggle with mental health or behavioral disorder
Low supervision from parents
Youths who live on streets are often victims of violence
Youth in foster care systems who are constantly being transferred, never know how the next family will be
Some grow up without any family
A severely troubled home
Keeps children away from technology
Lots of things happen on social media: