类别 全部 - pronunciation - exposure - language - ability

作者:estefania manginelli 6 年以前


Factors that affect pronunciation learning

Factors influencing pronunciation in learning a foreign language include various elements such as the native language, age, attitude and identity, phonetic ability, and the amount of exposure.

Factors that affect pronunciation learning

Factors that affect pronunciation learning

There are several factors that affect the pronunciation of a foreign language when learning it in both ways, to make the proni¡unciation better or the other way round

Amount of exposure
This factor has its advantages and disadvanatges as well. There are different possible situations: 1-The speakes lives in an English-speaking country and has full expusure to the language. 2-The speaker lives in an English-speaking country but spends most of his time in a non English-speaking environment. 3-The speaker does not live in an English-speaking country. so esxposure can affect the speaker's pronunciation but it is not the only thing involved
The age factor
In this case, there are two points of view supported by studies. 1- some studies concluded that it is better to start learning a foreign language asa child to get a more native-like pronunciation. 2- There are other studies that disagree with the prevoius ones and stablished that older people get a better native-like pronunciation
The native language
Some features, like individual or convination of sounds, rhytm and intonation of the foreign language can be affected by the native language of the speaker. There are more favoured langauges and less favoured languages
Motivation and concern
This implies the speakers willing to be betetr and to improve his/her pronunciation and his/her awareness of his/her own pronunciationn and how it can be improved. It also involves the motivation the learner has to lear a foreign language
Attitude and identity
This has to do with the need of a speaker to fell part of a specific group, the need to be included so, some speakers tend to imtate the way others speak as way of fitting orbelonging to a specific group. but, thereare other speakers that do not pay much attention tothis factor
Phonetic ability
This ability can be named as to have a 'better ear' or an 'aptitude for oral mimicry' which means that some speakers are better that otehrs at recognizing and reproducing sounds that pthers