作者:Deanna Fidlin 7 年以前
The psychology behind fear delves into why people are drawn to scary stories and experiences. It involves understanding the complex interaction between the brain's physiological responses and the emotional and psychological aspects of fear.
superego Our conscience sense of guilt/knowledge of right from wrong ego Personality id Drives Feelings Dreams and nightmares Raging emotions Sigmund Freud Catharsis Aristotle Fascinated dread Stephen King On Fear Imaginary horrors Phobias Fear Parts Of A Horror Story Socially Constructed Gender Roles Symbiotic Relationship With Viewer/Reader editing Time and Space Framing Movement Title Of The Short Story You Read Title Of The Film You Watched The Brain The Unconscious Mind Reasons For Liking Fear The Psychology Of Fear Amygdala mastery testing
Simulated Risk
snuggle theory
Startle Reflex
Types Of Horror Psychological Horror Represents Aspects Within Viewers/Readers Immaterial Cause the monster within The Fantastic not knowing Moral Allegory good and evil Battle