作者:Vincent Esmena 11 年以前
Force is defined as a push or pull that can alter an object's shape, size, speed, direction, or state of motion. It can be measured using instruments such as a weighting scale or spring balance and is quantified in Newtons (
Force,Work,Power,Energy Energy how to measure energy? Potenital= MxGxH What types of energy are there? there are eight types of energy kinetic, potential, Nuclear,Sound,Light,Electrical,Chemical and Heat What is energy? energy cannot be distroy it can only be changed energy is the capacity of work done Power what is the SI unit for Power? Watt (W) How to measure power? Power=energy/time what is power? power is the rate of doing work/ transfer energy
Subtopic Work Done how to measure work done? Force = WxD ((weigth x 10)N x Distance Moved = Joule What is work done? work done cane only happen when the force and the object are moving in the same direction what is the SI unit for work done? Joule Force force has a SI unit how do we measure force? we can measure force by using a weighting scale or a spring balance Spring Balance
weighting scale
What is force? force is a push/pull force can cause effects it can change its shape/size, speed, direction and can start/stop a object