作者:Ben Christensen 3 年以前
Friend Group
A group of friends navigates their interactions through a blend of cultural rhetoric, emotional influences, and mutual respect for diversity. With members hailing from various backgrounds including African American communities and the LDS Church, they maintain harmony and balance by valuing everyone'
Friend Group Feminist Rhetorical Theories Inclusion, everyone has a voice. Gender diversity. 4 and 4.
Both genders opinions valued Pathos Emotions end up having heavy weight in
decisions and conversations Sub-communities Running/Cross Country Members of LDS Church Pretty kind and considerate Keep language and jokes (mostly clean) Talk about church Jokes Inside Stories Instagram Memes Pop Culture Movie Quotes Marvel Star Wars African American Cultural Rhetoric Delivery in opinions and statements is important Harmony and balance (see group decisions) Making Group Decisions Want the whole group to be happy with decision Everyone has the chance to give opinion Multiple ideas presented Rely on past experiences of individuals King, Kyle, Janelle, Sara, Kaylee King, Janelle, and Kaylee are youngest siblings More introverted Provide ideas, but more selective Ben (Me), Snow, Janessa More loud, organize gatherings
More of a need to be social
More extroverted Primary Rhetors