作者:Jef Fisher 13 年以前
This mindmap was designed as a storage of sorts, intended to group together a selection of games to help students review essential math skills and have fun while doing it.
This game conveniently incorporates elements from the worlds of Prime Factorization, Greatest Common Factors, and Least Common Multiples into one handy study tool!
A handy Least Common Multiple version of the Greatest Common Factor page.
This site will help you get a grip on the concept of the Greatest Common Factor, with a section for practice.
Prime Factorization presents us with another way to write numbers, as the roots that make them up! This game will help you become a professional at finding prime factors in no time!
There are four properties of addition. This informative page breaks them down for you, complete with diagrams and examples.
Properties Test
This test will help review your knowledge of the addition properties. Some of the questions deal with multiplication, so if you get those ones wrong, don't worry too much. If you've already studied multiplication, it's a great way to test two skills in one place.
Subtraction is just as important as addition. These games will help you learn this necessary skill.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Ever dreamed of a chance to win one million dollars? Well, keep dreaming! However, you can win one million virtual dollars in this fun subtraction game!
The Number Monster
The Number Monster lets you choose the level of subtraction you want to try!
Subtraction Fishing
Enjoy a nice relaxing day at the pond. With your amazing subtraction skills, I'm sure you'll catch tons of fish!
Addition is one of the cornerstones of mathematics. If you don't understand the concepts at play behind addition, you'll be pretty lost as you advance to more difficult levels of math. These games will aim to help you become an addition master!
Ghost Blasters
Ghost blasters is a high action game where you must rely on your addition skills to get rid of the ghosts! The best part? You can play it with a friend!
The Addition Machine
The addition machine will let you try a variety of problems at different difficulties!
Count Hoot
Count Hoot is an avid lady bug collector who needs your help! These simple addition problems will help sharpen your skills!
For Teachers
The properties of multiplication may be difficult for some younger students to grasp, but I've found this neat little game that will help them learn these properties without even realizing it!
For Students
Another informative page with included practice, this one on the properties of multiplication.
Multiplication Grand Prix
This unique game allows you to practice your multiplication skills against other students across the world! The faster you answer the questions, the faster your car will go. See if you can take first in this nail biting race!
Peabody Penguin
Peabody Penguin needs help collecting fish for his fancy dinner, and help avoiding the sea lions in the process. Are you up to the task?
Don't quite remember what the order of operations is? Don't worry, a quick visit to the attached link will have you back up to speed and ready to play in no time!
Help Tortisaurus!
Tortisaurus needs help building his pyramid! He'll never be able to finish it without you helping him remember what order he needs to do his operations in!
Build a Snowman!
This fun game will allow you to build a virtual snowman, but only if you can remember when to use a certain operation!
Exponents are a bit tricky, so be sure to visit the attached page to brush up on your skills. After you feel confident, feel free to practice that knowledge in these fun games!
For the Rest of Us
This mathematical take on the classic game "Battleship" will have you scrambling to solve exponents in order to successfully sink the enemy ships and be a hero!
For the Brave!
If you feel like you're a master of exponents, feel free to have your knowledge of advanced exponents tested by Kiwi! This game will help you learn the Laws of Exponents.
Long division is another one of those tools you'll need to use repeatedly throughout your life. In this game, you'll learn long division with the help of a new friend, Snork!
*This game does contain sound, so if you're in a location where sound isn't allowed, make sure to mute your computer first!
One way to look at division is to picture it as sharing. If I have to divde 12 by 3, I could picture it as 3 groups of 4. This delicious cookie game helps show this! It's also a handy tool for learning how to deal with fractions.
Division is a necessary tool that we use everyday, this basic game helps you practice this essential skill!
Try this one!
This tic tac toe game runs fully on your ability to complete division problems! See if you have what it takes to win an ancient game with a mathematical twist!
What about factors and multiples? Do you remember those? I'll refresh you if you've forgotten: A factor is a number that divides exactly into another number, while a multiple is the product of a number and any other whole number. This strategic game will allow you and a classmate to use both of these concepts at once!
Remember what a prime number is? That'd be a number with factors only of itself and 1. To help find prime numbers, the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes devised a simple table where he crossed off all the numbers that WEREN'T primes. This table was called the "Sieve of Erastosthenes". This interactive version will help you learn your prime numbers!
This game is a handy tool that helps teach rules of divisibility for the digits 1-9!