Game Concept Map
The document outlines the key components necessary for developing a game, emphasizing the various engines and systems involved. It details the audio engine, responsible for music, sound effects, and dialogue.
Any images that will be used statically ingame game Biome Engine Script Engine Dialogue Engine Narration/Cinematic Dialogue Character Dialogue NPC AI Engine Companion (Biota) AI Dialogue AI Battle AI Movement AI Pathfinding AI? Game Engine Procedural Graphics Egine Dynamic Terrain/Map Elements Biota Graphics Graphics & Animation Engine Physics Engine (2D) Subtopic Biosim Physics (?) Character Movement Battle Physics Audio Engine Dialogue (?) Sound FX Music Special FX (Prerendered PC & NPC (Mythota & Theota) in game image/sprite dialogue avatar Inventory Items in-game image/sprite? inventory image Static Terrain/Map Elements Database System Graphic Assets Audio Assets Proc. Gen. Assets Misc. Text Assets (i18n/l10n) DB All onscreen text Dialogue Stats DB Playing Character Stats Character Class DB Theota Mythota Biota Magikobiota
Inventory DB Biome DB Input System