类别 全部 - reddito - geografia - disuguaglianze - laboratorio

作者:Emma Bertorello 2 年以前


Geografia quantitativa

Un laboratorio educativo, che si svolge per un quadrimestre durante tutti e tre gli anni della scuola, mira a comprendere il mondo attraverso l'uso dei dati. Le materie principali includono geografia e matematica, e il programma è suddiviso per anno scolastico.

Geografia quantitativa

Geografia quantitativa

What decision are you making?

Type in the decision, proposal that or event that you are analyzing.

Kurt Lewin's Force Field analysis helps you make a decision by comparing positive and negative factors.

In this simple map, the decision or proposal is in the center, with positive forces on the left and negative forces on the right. You can see which side is 'stronger', and what needs to be done to change it.

Che cos'è?

È un laboratorio
Si basa sul comprendere il mondo che ci circonda attraverso l'uso dei dati
Include le materie di geografia e matematica
Si svolge tutti e tre gli anni, per un quadrimestre

Classe prima

Analisi Europa
Piramidi d'età
Densità di popolazione

Classe seconda

ISU e i suoi indicatori
(Speranza di vita, anni di scolarizzazione, pil)

Add a negative force

Add a negative force in the category 'ISU e i suoi indicatori', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A minor issue
  2. A normal objection or problem
  3. A significant objection or problem
Disuguaglianze tra gli stati del mondo

What negative forces act on
'Geografia quantitativa'?

Choose a category of negative forces, or type in your own.

Budget or costStakeholder objectionsResources or skillsTimeUnknowns or uncertaintiesPerformance or complexityLegal or regulatoryStrategy or policyOther consequences

Classe terza

Hans Rosling

What positive forces act on 'Geografia quantitativa'?

Choose a category of positive forces, or type in your own.

Financial benefitsSupport from stakeholdersSkills and capabilitiesTimeSimplicityPerformanceLegal or regulatoryStrategy or policyOther benefits
Aumentano le disuguaglianze nei singoli paesi


Disuguaglianze di genere

Add a positive force

Add a positive force in the category 'Oxfam', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A slight advantage or indirect factor
  2. A helpful factor or benefit
  3. A critical factor or advantage

World economic forum

Add a positive force

Add a positive force in the category 'Disuguaglianze di genere', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A slight advantage or indirect factor
  2. A helpful factor or benefit
  3. A critical factor or advantage


Add a positive force

Add a positive force in the category 'World economic forum', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A slight advantage or indirect factor
  2. A helpful factor or benefit
  3. A critical factor or advantage


Add a positive force

Add a positive force in the category 'Afghanistan', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A slight advantage or indirect factor
  2. A helpful factor or benefit
  3. A critical factor or advantage

Indice di Gini

Curva di Lorenz


Add a positive force

Add a positive force in the category 'Aumentano le disuguaglianze nei singoli paesi', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A slight advantage or indirect factor
  2. A helpful factor or benefit
  3. A critical factor or advantage

Distribuzione del reddito

Add a positive force

Add a positive force in the category 'Monopoli', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A slight advantage or indirect factor
  2. A helpful factor or benefit
  3. A critical factor or advantage
Diminuiscono le disuguaglianze nel mondo

Add a positive force

Add a positive force in the category 'Hans Rosling', then rate its significance by clicking on an icon:

  1. A slight advantage or indirect factor
  2. A helpful factor or benefit
  3. A critical factor or advantage

Indice di Sviluppo Umano e i suoi indicatori
