类别 全部 - private - public - testing - documentation

作者:Francesco Salemi 6 年以前


git multi-remote configuration

A proposal outlines the creation and phased development of a GitLab repository for a collaborative team. Initially, a private repository will be set up, accessible only to team members, with specific branches for shared access.

git multi-remote configuration

generic user/developper

Atlas cluster or FS's laptop

CIT or cWB team laptops

GitLab@aei.uni-hannover.de: AEI remote

aei branch1

GitLab@ligo.org: LSC remote


lsc branch1

GitLab.com: private/public remote

What I propose:

Phase 0

  1. Creation of GitLab.com "shared" repository with private settings, i.e. visible and usable just by cWB team, with some branches of cWB to be shared (FS)

Phase 1

  1. Testing on atlas and on my laptop (FS)
  2. Testing at CIT and on LSC/Virgo members laptops (GV, SK, etc)
  3. A lot of work (merging, pruning old stuff, documenting).....

Phase 2

  1. Creation of GitLab.com "public" repository, i.e. visible and accessible to everyone (though, obviously, just the development team will be allowed to do commits).
  2. Add a licence

Note: all technical items, such as creation of the GitLab repository or adding a new remote and new branches to existing repositories are super easy (and have been tested on a dummy repository already)!

cWB/library public


cWB/library private
