作者:Phil Dollimore 6 年以前
Government Policies
Government policies have significant impacts on various public services, shaping how they operate and serve the community. Key areas affected include immigration, military operations, welfare payments, and environmental initiatives.
Government Policies Societal Response Political pressure on politicians to change policies Changes in Army Physical Fitness Assessments to make them gender equal Maintaining familiarity with changes in legislation Policies Examples Defence spending-two new aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy Universal credit: U-turn on two-child cap on benefit Voting Age Lowering? Brexit Opening of Army Ground Close Combat roles to applicants of both genders Female Infanteers Social Responses to Government Policies How Government Actions Affect the Public Services in Their Roles Sit-Ins to Prevent Road Building Picketing Of Sites Such As Military Bases and Closing Companies Meetings That Require Police Attendance Terrorism Affecting All the Services Demonstrations Involving the Police and Ambulance Services Civil Disobedience Impact on the Public Services Illustrating the impact What is an Impact on the Public Services? Impacts Negative Positive Examples of Policies Affecting Different Public Services Policies Affecting the Emergency Services Target Setting Standards Financial Targets
Petrol Usage
Attendance Times
Fire and Rescue Station Closures in Some Areas Links with Other International Services Combined Services Activities United Nations NATO Policies Affecting the Military Services Increased Use of Technology Increased Use of Reserve Forces Declarations of War Policies That Influence All Services Financial Reductions or Increases Human Rights Equal Opportunities Civilian Environmental Examples of policies effecting the public services Defence Increased use of reserves rather than regular soldiers International Affairs Bombing Syria Immigration Rights of immigrants to welfare payments Votes for Prisoners GOV.UK Policies List Example Policies What other Policies are there? Finance and Economy Cuts to/Cost-saving in Welfare Payments Housing House-building Environment Plastic Bags Policy Example Topics Prison Sentences Welfare Payments Legality of Drugs Drinking age Age of Consent Animal Testing