Greatest scientists of all times
Scientists are individuals who substantiate their theories with evidence, distinguishing their work through the scientific method—a systematic approach to discovering reliable knowledge about nature.
Greatest scientists of all times Use of the scientific method Follow Falsification not verification Common great scientists Galelio Einsten Newton Aristotle Main questions what makes science different from geology or othe sciences? What is the difference between a good and abad science? the good science can be falsified,has a high probability of being true what is a scientist? the one who can prove his theory with evidence what is science? a method of discoveringreliable knowledge about nature Gallelio the church condemnation believing in the heliocentric theory challenging the teachings of the church Father of modern science consistent measurements can be made test the hypothesis What makes him great questions:are science and religion compatible? changs the way people look and understand the universe his science observaton,hypothesis,testing,experimentation,publish the results the great scientist his emphasis on observation performing experiments (object-distance-time) using telescopes to look at heavens His life studies greek,latin,and logic Born 1564,Florence