作者:Orlando Mendoza 6 年以前
Group 13 Timeline
Throughout history, several technological advancements have significantly impacted the world. The tabulator machine, introduced in 1890, revolutionized data processing by efficiently organizing information on cards.
Watson 2010 IBM created watson it was created to answer questions on jeopardy GROUP 13 TIMELINE First Iphone 2007 A phone that is capable to develop answers and make calls Sergey Brin and Larry Page - Google-1998 Sergey Brin is the co founder of google and Larry Page is the president of Alphabet Inc. Kasparov vs. Deep Blue-1997 This was the first time that a computer beat a human in their own game.. HTML 1990 HTML was one of the first Floppy Disk 1967 A disc that holds a little amount of storage Tabulator machine-1890 ` It rounds up all the information on a card The Turing machine-1936 A smart math machine that can solve any math problem