类别 全部 - diversity - immigration - sectors - resources

作者:Jordan Ducusin 1 年以前


How is Canada diversed

Canada is a diverse country with significant social and economic diversity influenced by its natural resources and settlement patterns. The interior plains, known for their rich soil and abundant crops, have a dense population due to agricultural opportunities.

How is Canada diversed

How is Canada diversed

Natural resources-> landform regions Landform regions-> immigration Natural resources like crude oil are produced in the interior plains and the Appalachian mountains since because the minerals are rich there and there are mountains there. Also we plant a lot of crops in the interior plains because the flatland is very good for growing things there. Natural resources affected the economy by providing 1.9 million jobs to people and this is a pull factor for immigration because people look for jobs when trying to relocate

Canada's vegetation is diverse, with prairie farming being common due to its rich soil and climate.

Physical geography

Landform regions such as Westen Cordillera, arctic lands, Canadian shield, Hudson Bay lowlands, interior plains, and great lakes were created by glaciation, volcanic activity, and erosion.


The interior plains has a more dense and clustered population because of the large amount of crops grown there. Depending on where you live is what type of job you will be working because there are different economic sectors everywhere like say you live near the water you’re gonna work in the primary sector For fishing because they will need a lot of workers

Vegetation→settlement patterns >economic sectors

Smart growth

Social diversity

-settlement patterns Canada offers a lot of resources like jobs, food, and clean water but also it’s a safe country so there’s no wars, this is important because

generation-> smart growth Smart growth-> trade trade-> climate factors The newer generation affects smart growth because we can grow and build more smart communities and make a more sustainable life as the newer generation grows and the more we grow and build a sustainable way of living the better our economy grows like building more efficient transportation. We rely on other countries for trades for other natural resources or foods we can’t grow here and if the climate factors aren’t good and natural disasters occur then we won’t be able to make trades because transportation will be severely affected.

economic sectors

Quaternary sector(accounting, and brokerage firms)
Tertiary sector (teaching, doctors and nurses)
Secondary sector (car manufacturing)
Primary sector (farming,fishing)

international trade

Natural resources

Main topic
