类别 全部 - safety - contamination - cleanliness

作者:KARLA GIL 1 年以前


How to prevent accidents in the kitchen

To ensure a safe kitchen environment, it's crucial to take measures to prevent burns, cross-contamination, spills, and cuts. Keeping children and pets away from the stove, maintaining cleanliness, and having a fire extinguisher accessible can help prevent fires and burns.

How to prevent accidents in the kitchen

How to prevent accidents in the kitchen

Cross Contamination

Keep meat out of vegetables
Don't place chemicals near food
Store foods sperate (ex: Raw meat and cooked meat shouldn't be placed together)
Don't wash raw meat because bacteria can splash around everywhere
Wash the utensils after done using
Use different utensils, plates, and chopping boards for raw and cooked food
Clean surfaces
Wash your hands before prepping the food


Keep electrical things away from liquids or a spill
Carry boiling water or oil carefully. If you can't do it alone, ask someone to help you carry it with you.
Clean spills immediately before accidents are caused
Don't keep the water running
Place objects correctly (ex. keep goods inside cabinets such liquids or other hazardous materials so they won't stand in the way)
Keep the kitchen clean and tidy
Be aware of our surrounding


Don't use the knife for opening cans or other objects (there are other tools meant for that job)
Store knives in a safe far away place
Keep knives out of children's hands and away from pets
Always sharpen your knife because a dull knife can cut you
If the knife falls down, don't catch it mid-air, let it fall to the ground and pick it up by the handle
Don't wave the knife in the air
Focus on what you are doing and be alert at all times
Don't let the knife cut towards yourself
Keep fingers away from the blade
Have a cutting board with you and make sure it is secure (doesn't slip)


While frying, use a pan lid to make sure no oil splashes on to you
Wear short-sleeved clothing, jewelry away or take it off, and put a hair net or keep hair back in a bun so nothing catch on fire
After using the stove, clean up immediately so nothing will catch on fire
Keep a fire extinguisher close by in case of a fire
Use oven mitts to carry hot handles and pans
Keep flammable objects away from the stove so nothing will explode or catch on fire
Keep children and pets away from stove
Never leave the stove unattended While boiling, grilling, broiling, or frying food and you decide to leave, make sure you turn of the stove.