作者:Hector Trejo 6 年以前
The 2nd-grade social studies curriculum aims to introduce young students to the fundamental concepts of history. It begins by defining history and distinguishing between the past and present.
2nd Grade Social Studies Curriculum SSH2.10 Compares perspectives of
people in the past to those of people in
the present Develops an understanding of how
perspectives have changed from the
past to the present (i.e. women’s
rights). (3.3) SSH2.9 Compares different accounts of
the same historical event. Understands that people writing
accounts of the past today write
them from their own perspective.
(3.2) Understands that different people
living at the same time in the past
had different beliefs and ideas that
shaped their accounts of events.
(3.2) SSH2.8 Identifies the maker, date, and
place of origin for a historical source.
(sourcing Looks for clues that identify the
maker, date, and place of origin for a
historical source.(4.1) SSH2.7 Generates possible reasons for an
event or development in the past. Looks at an event from the past and
traces the cause(s) of the event.
(4.2) MaiSSH2.6 Analyzes historical sources,
artifacts, and documents to study the
past. (contextualization)
n topic Examines various historical primary
sources related to Kansas (i.e.
pictures, diary entries, photographs,
maps, video, audio, artifacts). (4.1) SSH2.5 Identifies different kinds of
historical sources. Identifies different historical primary
sources.(i.e. pictures, diary entries,
photographs, maps, video, audio,
artifacts).(4.1) SSH2.4 Generates questions about
individuals and groups who have made
contributions or shaped a significant
historical change. Recognizes and evaluates how
leaders from the past made
contributions in our life today. (1.3
and 4.3) Recognizes and evaluates how
inventors and important inventions
from the past influence their life
today. (4.3) Analyzes why people immigrate and
what immigrants contribute to
Kansas. (1.3 and 5.3) SSH2.3 Compares life in the past to life
today. Defines immigration and gives past
and present examples from Kansas.
(5.3) Compares American Indian life and
communities at the time of the
Pilgrims to American Indian life and
communities today. (3.3 and 4.3) Compares and contrasts the ways
people communicate with each
other past and present. (4.3) Subtopic Compares various forms of
transportation in Kansas and
present. (4.3) SSH2.2 Sequences historical events on a
timeline. Creates and uses a timeline of
events in Kansas over the course of
the school year. (4.4) SSH2.1 Defines history as the story of the
past. Defines the difference between past
and present. (4.1) Describes history as the story of the