作者:Beth Shaw 11 年以前
Garbage In Garbage Out
less rubbish data goes in, the less rubbish data comes out.
More accurate - only type in certain things.
less chance making a mistake
Data takes up less storage
Faster - less time consuming than writing it out fully.
lose detail
have to know the codes to understand and use it.
For example: Doctor > DR.
Data that is collected for a new specific purpose or reason.
Email address collected just for a subscription or to sign up, used just by that company.
weather measurements collected for weather forecast - wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, temperature.
Data that is recycled from already collected Data for a new purpose.
A Purpose that is different from the original purpose of the collection of the data.
When signing up for a subscription and entering your Email adress, and then they give or sell your Email address to another company so they can send you advertisements.
weather forecast used to predict sales - the amount of ice cream sold on a day thats sunny, by another company for example.
Exam Mark
Digital Photograph
Recorded Video
Phone Number
Email Adress