作者:Sarah Carter 5 年以前
If Anyone Who Committed a Drug Crime Was Released From Prison
Releasing individuals convicted of drug crimes from prison can lead to several societal and economic challenges. Unemployment rates are likely to rise as former convicts find it difficult to secure jobs, impacting their ability to survive financially.
Dawkins, Marvin P.Adolescence; Roslyn Heights Vol. 32, Iss. 126, (Summer 1997): 395-405.
https://www.prisonerhealth.org/educational-resources/factsheets-2/incarceration-substance-abuse-and-addiction/ If Anyone Who Committed a Drug Crime Was Released From Prison More drug trafficking Freed convicts are able to sustain
relationships with dealers/buyers Costs of surveillance increases Border patrol
The role of law enforcement becomes larger Decline in overall community health Shortage of treatment or preventive
programs Relapsers are at risk of disease Overdose Rise of HIV/AIDS Shared needles Unemployment rates would increase It becomes more difficult to get a job once
convicted of a crime Money is needed to survive Relapse Lack of treatment Access to treatment and other resources during
incarceration are no longer available Health declines
Non-citizens face deportation Costs of deportation services increase rapidly you'll come up with original ideas Could influence crime Calls for an immediate need of halfway houses Crime rates would increase Those individuals would become convicted once again Prison populations would increase Those who use drugs are more likely to commit
other violent crimes