作者:Aresha Bagheri 12 年以前
2 components
females choose
males compete
ex. peppered moths
measures intensity or strength of selection
proprotion of phenotypic variation that has a genetic basis
rated from 0 to 1, 0 is environmentally based, 1 is genetically based
ex. corn crops
ex. antibiotics
species extinction
coral bleaching
earlier spring events
altitudinal/poleward shifts in species ranges
more intense hurricanes
CFC's deplete ozone
human activity
such as CO2
produced from cleaners, aerosols, refridgeration and cooling
combine with sulfur dioxide to produce acid rain
produced naturally and man made
produced in rice paddies, wet agriculture, intestinal system of cows, floors of oceans
no selection
selection - differential reproduction among different phenotypes within a population
response to selection depends on the selection differential and the heritability of the trait in question
random mating
asexual reproduction
offspring are genetically identical to the parent
positive assortive mating
increases homozygosity only at the locus for which the choice occurs
Inbreeding - mating between relatives - not random mating
selfing - most severe form of inbreeding
heterozygosity is halved between generations
leads to inbreeding depression - decrease of vigor or reproductive success due to inbreeding
no migration
migration (gene flow) - the movement of genes between populations
allele frequencies change in the direction of the doror/source population due to migration
migration tends to eliminate existing genetic differences between populations
migration rate - the proportion of immigrants in a population after migration
no genetic drift
genetic drift - random changes in allele frequencies from generation to generation
bottleneck effect - random changes in allele frequencies within a population due to dramatic reduction of population size
reduction in size is either caused by some catastrophic events, or only the frequencies of those loci are considered that are not under selection
founder effect - random changes in allele frequencies in a population during colonization
founder effect occurs within the same generation
genetic drift results from sampling error in a population with limited size
no mutation
mutation - random change in the genetic code
majority of mutations are detrimental
mutation rates for many genes can vary from one out of ten to one hundred thousand
the ultimate source of genetic variation in a population
the proportion of a certain allele within a population
allele frequency=gene frequency=gametic frequency
gene pool
the set of all alleles at all loci in a population
net primary productivity
gross primary productivity minus plant respiration
gross primary productivity is the total photosynthesis per unit area per time
plant growth per unit area per unit time
Only .02% of the sun's energy is captured by plants
top carnivores
heat energy lost
decomposers and detritivores
The rest of the energy is lost as heat.
Domestication first occured in the Middle East an South Europe 11,000 years ago
to Asia
60,000 years ago
to Australia
to North America via land bridge
to South America
to Europe
Australopithecus anamensis
A. afarensis
Homo rudolfensis
H. habilus
was a toolmaker
H. erectus
Turkana boy
1 million years ago
H. sapien
H. sapien sapien (modern human)
evolved 50-35,000 years ago
H. sapiens (Neanderthals)
humans have 3% neanderthal DNA
died out 22,000 years ago
evolved 300,000 years ago
Lived 2 million years ago to 1.8 million y.a.
Homo genus evolved 2 million years ago
A. africanus
Taung child
discovered in South Africa
A. robustus
2 million years ago
A. boisei
2.5 million years ago
3 million years ago
Lucy was an A. afarensis
discovered in Hadar, Ethiopia
4 million years ago
Ardipithecus was bipedal
the nitrogen cycle
terrestrial cycling
reactive N gasses
Industrial fixation
aquatic cycling
NO3- in the water
N2 in atmosphere
Reservoirs of nitrogen include...
surface water and groundwater
the soil
the atmosphere (80%)
Water cycle
Runoff and groundwater
Percolation through soil
Condensation of water vapor into clouds
Evaporation by solar energy
1% of water is contained in lakes, rivers, and groundwater (negligible amount in atmosphere).
2% Of water is contained in polar ice caps.
The oceans contain 97% of water in the biosphere.
Liquid water is the primary physical phase of water.
the carbon cycle
burning of fossil fuels
cellular respiration
CO2 in atmosphere
Major reservoirs of carbon include...
sedimentary rocks (the largest reservoir)
the atmosphere
plant and animal biomass
the oceans
sediments of aquatic environments
fossil fuels
Carbon is available in the form of CO2 to plants, which convert it to organic forms that are used by other organisms.
phosphorous cycle
leaching into aquatic environments
plant uptake
weathering of rocks
geological uplift
reservoirs include...
sedimentary rocks
Most important inorganic form is phosphate, which plants use to create organic compounds.