作者:Beth Campbell 7 年以前
Involving Community
Engaging the community in educational activities and strengthening communication between families and schools are crucial strategies for fostering a supportive learning environment.
Involving Community Learning at home information on possible family outings, locations to visit (many are immigrants) intersession camps for our break times family math, literacy nights at school calendars with activities for families to do together clear info on homework policies Let parents know about community events Making parents feel welcome in the school seeing their child's work displayed welcomed by name seeing smiling staff Effective Communication info nights for small focused groups- less intimidating - include translators meet face to face, learn names Use google classroom so they can use translate features Higher level - involve parents in school based decisions advisory committees beyond fund raising information on how the board works, who's who how to honour staff or students who pass away - incorporate other cultural practices Volunteers not just for reading and homework help - maybe organization, maybe putting on snowsuits! (Language barriers matter less). Helping parents Settlement Workers Can help women and children in abusive situations with cultural sensitivity Can help family find housing, jobs, an interpreter General info about school expectations info nights to demystify homework, how we approach math now, etc Google docs version so translation is available Agenda intro pages Mental Health and Crisis supports The Rapport Program (accessed through school Social Work) Nexxus Youth services Tangerine drop in Peel Children's Centre Crisis Line William Ostler Hospital Mental Health Crisis Teams