类别 全部 - kindergarten - cognitive - social - emotional

作者:cali dixon 5 年以前



Jasmine is a four-year-old girl who attends full-time kindergarten and has Down syndrome. She was adopted at eight months by the Blais family, who live in a rural area outside of London.



general information

often plays in the dramatic area with the dolls
used ASL but not very often any more
full time kindergarten
as a new born she was left to cry in her cribs for long periods of time
has down-syndrome
4 years old

family history

biological family
there is a history of diabetes in the family but jasmine has been screened and tested negative
there was complication durning birth so she had to be delivered though c-section
she drank durning the whole pregnancy and smoked on occasion
didn't eat well durning the pregnancy there for she gain no wight and jasmine was born small
the mother didn't seek medical care until the third trimester
adopted family
both parents work in the restaurant business
has a 10 year old sister
they live in a rural area outside of London
lives with adopted family
adopted at 8 months by the Blais family

emotional development

best strategy is for her to learn is play based goals
showing a preference for her learning support team and will seek out the educator if she is in need ie. sick or hurt
she doesn't express her feeling when her parents drop her off but is happy when they come to pick her up
when faced with a problem she will often place her head down on the ground and start crying
educators see her as passive

social development

plays alone quietly but is still entertaining herself
10 year old sister have a good but tense relationship
gets close to others faces when trying to communicate
tries to talk to other children but fails when the other children do not get the subtle cues
goes to a early years centre
dosent play or talk to other children every offten

physical development

she can use a zipper, snaps, and velcro
practicing beading with string
not able to tie shoes or do the buttons on her coat
enjoy gross motor
thrives in outdoor settings

cognitive development

best to use reinforce language concepts
she has a vocabulary of 300 words
weekly visits from Dr perry for working on her expressive language
very focused when she is drawing and using creative
small groups jasmine is engaged
limited verbal communication