Choosing a profession involves considering various factors such as the nature of work, required skills, and potential benefits. Some jobs demand physical presence, either indoors or outdoors, while others may involve frequent travel or dealing with the public.
JOBS describing jobs well-paid varied tiring stressful rewarding repetitive challenging creative work activities work long hours/ nine-to-five work with children work indoors/outdoors work alone wear a uniform use a computer travel a lot serve costumers make phone calls ear a lot of money deal with the public be part of a team be on your feet answer the phone more jobs video game developer stunt perfomer pizza delivery man lockmith groundskeeper estate agent police officer photographer journalist gardener builder surfing instructor jobs paramedic hairdresser engineer sales assistant receptionist programmer farm worker pilot dentist cleaner architect waiter travel agent sports coach solicitor prefixes learn a lot have a good time get stressed have a good social life earn money gain opportunities be unemployed be independent feel presure get into debt get qualifications key phrases on the other hand nevertheless such as for example what i mean is moreover however that is because therefore in spite of this not only that for instance as i see it in other words what is more in my opinion although adjetives honest good at comunicating flexible reliable patient hard-working friendly enthusiastic physically fit