作者:emily martin 4 年以前
junior cert music
This text covers various aspects of music, beginning with a focus on the Baroque period, which spanned from 1650 to 1750. Key features of this era include the use of fugue and ornamentation.
junior cert music elements of music pitch pitch means the sound of the music such as high and low timbre dynamics pianississimo - fortississimo dynamics refers to the volume of music tempo bpm = beats per minute lento - presto refers to the speed of the music pulse melody rhythm a collection of notes with different durations expression baraque period fugue ornamentation 1650 - 1750 ( 100 years ) brass instruments tuba largest brass instrument trombone no valves trumpet highest pitch smallest brass instrument french horn has 3 valves huge range string instruments harp cisando solo instrument 17 peddles has 47 strings double bass widely used in jazz biggest string instrument lowest pitched strings cello harmonies / solos 2nd largest string instrument viola harmonies 2nd smallest strings violin 1st violins play melody, 2nd violins play harmony theres 1st and 2nd violins pizzicato played with a bow has 4 strings highest pitched strings smallest string insturment bars and barlines intervals tones - whole steps semitones - half steps time signature tells you how many beats / values are in each bar at the beginning of a piece consists of 2 numbers one on top of the other film music non-diegetic - added into scene later on via editing diegetic - its actually playing whilst filming danny elfman wrote scores for tim burton movies eg the corpse bride and alice in wonderland michael giacchino wrote scores for many disney movies such as ratatouille and inside out hans zimmer wrote scores for pirates of the caribeann and pearl harbour john williams wrote scores for indiana jones and jaws pianist born on february 8th 1932 earliest movies were in black and white and no soundtrack until the 1920s percussion instruments celesta gong tambourine piano gloekennspiel kettle drums tubular bells xylophone triangle cymbals woodwind instruments bassoon sax phone cor anglais oboe double reed clarinet flute played horizontally made of metal piccolo higher pitch smaller version of flute note values quaver = 1/2 beat crotchet = 1 beat minim = 2 beats dotted minim = 3 beats semibreve = 4 beats