作者:Rylie Fishley 4 年以前
Kitchen Graphic Organizer
Ensuring kitchen safety involves several key practices to avoid common hazards. To prevent electrocutions, it's essential to keep electrical appliances away from water and always unplug toasters before attempting to retrieve items from them.
Kitchen Graphic Organizer Preventing electrocutions in the kitchen Keep electrical appliances away from water Unplug toasters before sticking anything in there to get it out Preventing cross-contamination when purchasing and storing food Always keep fruits and vegetables on top of meats in shopping cart and fridge Preventing cross-contamination when preparing food Wash hands before and after handling raw meat Use different cutting boards Keep raw meats and other foods seperate Preventing fires in the kitchen avoid loose sleeves Tie long hair back Avoid leaving the kitchen while cooking Store oils away from stove Preventing bumps and bruises in the kitchen Be careful when cooking Preventing slips and falls in the kitchen Clean up anything off the floor Wear closed shoes Preventing burns in the kitchen Open lids like a shield away from you to avoid steam burns Use oven mits Preventing cuts in the kitchen Cut away from the body Use a sharp knife rather then a dull one