作者:Saad Mehboob 16 年以前
Labout market(made by Saad Mehboob)
Various factors influence the labor market, ranging from wage determination to the supply and demand for labor. Wages can vary significantly based on the nature of the job, required qualifications, and specific working conditions, such as unsociable hours or job security.
Labout market Productivity Emplyers and Emplyess associations The TUs Types Subtopic
Govt policy and Labour markets why do people earn different amounts Immobility Lack of information Satisfation Dirty Jobs and Unsocialable hours Abilities and Qualifications determination of the wage for a Job supply of labour Why Supply has increased Soial attitudes towards Women Baby boom of 60 wages grown faster then prices choice of occupation Non wage factors Location
Size of the Firms
Career Prospects
Job Security
Fringe benefits
Working hours
Working conditions
Type of work
Job Satisfaction
wage factors Comissions
overtime pay
By Employess The Unemployed Armed forces Self Employed Employed Demand for Labour Chamges in Demand Qantity demanded and the wage rate MRP=Demand curve for labour Derived demand