作者:Margarita Godoy 3 年以前
Language and Culture
The provided text critiques the Hofstede framework, highlighting its limitations in capturing the nuanced nature of culture. It points out that culture cannot be strictly patterned and that differences in gender, youth culture, and social class are often overlooked.
Language and Culture CLIFFORD GEERTZ Semiotic View of Culture Ritual behaviour Study of signs and symbols HOLLIDAY Cultural methodology, otherisation Limitations of HOFSTEDE framework International Youth culture not consider Men´s and Women´s cultures might be different Issues of social class are not consider. Cultura can´t have a pattern. HOFSTEDE Attitudes to Work Masculinity versus Feminity MEAD added: Masculine culture sex roles are sharply separate. Feminine culture are the opposite. Individualism versus Collectivism MEAD added: Stress individual achivement and rights. Competition is expected. Uncertainty Avoidance MEAD added: Avoidance uncertainty about situations and future. Power Distance MEAD added: Degree of equality desire by members of a Culture. CLARKE "Three raw categories" Culture as content, High Culture and Cultural Practice or Behaviour ADASKOU Senses of Culture Pragmatic Sense Rhetorical Conventions and Usage Genres Subtopic
Use Appropiately Norms of Politeness
Communicative Functions
Intonation Patterns
Paralinguistic Skills and Contextual Knowledge Semantic Sense Language influence speakers Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis or Linguistic Relativity Conceptual System Express in a Language Sociological Sense Discourse and Accent Communities Aspects of Life setup Aesthetic Sense Share Linguistic Code or Language Speech Communities Artistic Production