作者:Valery Andrea Chávez Cajas 6 年以前
Human communication system
Sounds to express feelings
"Hey, what's up?" is a discourse between friends
"Sexiest man alive!" is a sentence for a magazine
Free morpheme "Sport-" and bound morpheme "-ive" in "Sportive"
Prefixes as "un-" in "Uncomfortable"
"Rice" and "Rise" the /aI/ is pronounced /ʌI/ before voiceless consonant
"Toted" the first t is pronounced with a puff of air but the second is not
"Spanglish" (the mix between English and Spanish), it is used in cultures where both languages are used commonly like Mexico
"Yins" (you in the plural), it is used in some parts of USA
/ʌ/ in "Cup, Luck"
/i:/ in "See, Heat"
"She draws beautifully", flowing the structure Sub-Verb-Adverb
"He resisted asking for help", "resist" following by a gereund
The meaning of "Nail" depends on the sentence
"My heart was stolen" means to fall in love
Between friends, say "Go to the restaurant", they will know which restaurant is
If someone asks "Please, close the window", it could be interpreted as the person is freezing or too noising outside
Namen to Names Eyen to eyes
Lambru to Lambs Eggru to Eggs