Local water supply process
The water supply process begins with the intake of unfiltered water from sources like oceans and rivers. This initial step is followed by coagulation and flocculation, which separate solid residues based on factors like particle size and density.
Local water supply process 10.distribution the distrabution to the public in sinks and showers 8. secondary disinfection second round of disinfecting the water 6 .pH correction method of increasing the pH to rise the water to a filleting bed 4.sedimentation using gravety to remouve solides 2. coagulation and Flocculationtion separate the solid residues in the water. Suspended particles vary in source, charge, particle size, shape, and density. 9. testing testing the safeness and cleaness of the water 7. fluoridation the control adjustments of the fluied in the water 5. primary disinfection first round of disinfecting the water 3.filtration it 1. Intake taking the unfiltered water for ocean , river ect.