作者:neyla garcia 3 年以前
Breast health involves understanding various conditions that can affect this tissue, ranging from benign to malignant pathologies. Mastopathy, often associated with reproductive stages, includes issues linked to pregnancy, lactation, trauma, and thrombophlebitis.
MALIGN AND BENIGN PATHOLOGIES IN BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION Palpation, inspection Questioning and physical examination MASTOPATY -In reproductive stage -Is associated with pregnancy, lctation, trauma and thrombophlebitis BENIGN ALTERATIONS FIBROCYSTIC ALTERATIONS -Premenopause -More common - Pain -Edema PLOTIFERATIVE ALTERATIONS *Athypical dictated epithelium *Seropurulent exudate *Adenosis *Hyperplasia Phylloid tumor Slow-growing epithelial neoplasia - Any age - Total surgical diagnosys DUCTAL ECTASY *Hard and tender erythematous mass *Perimenopause and postmenopause * Small abscess at the base of the nipple MASTITIS - Related to lactation factors -Sthapylococcus aureus - May appear in puerperal phenomena LIPOMA *White tummor *Mobile *Fatty *Most common non-epithelial neoplasm ADENOMA -Circumscribed tumors -Peak incidence at 20-30 years -Scattered stroma GALACTOCELE *Painful breast cyst *Condensed *Thick milky liquid BREAST CANCER BIOLOGICAL MARKERS *Axillary lymph node status *HER2/neu p53 *Tumor size *Progesterone *Estrogen receptors IMAGING STUDY *MRI *Ultrasound *Birads *Mammography *Biopsy DIANOSIS *Thorough questioning *Self-exploraion *Physical exam RISK FACTORS -Use of exogenouse hormones -Age -Ductal hyperplasia -Radiotherapy -Menopause -Nulliparas -Family background -Early menarche LUMP A breast lump is a growth of tissue develops withing your breast. Different types of breast lumps can vary in the way they look and feel. MAIN FINDINGS Galactorrhea *Involutive, bilateral, spontaneous, with pregnanciy and hipothyroidism Purulent discharge from the nipple *Atibiotic treatment *Can produce an abcess *Infection Intraductal papilloma *Surgical removal of the duct *Bloody discharge *Main cause of women who are not breastfeeding Mammary duct ectasia