作者:Maria Sanderson 6 年以前
The concept of metacognition revolves around the ability to think about and control one's own thinking processes. It plays a crucial role in learning by helping individuals to plan, monitor, and evaluate their cognitive activities.
Metacognition 4 Components 4. Planning/control of cognition 3. Monitoring of cognition 2. Knowledge of cognitive & metacognitive
strategies 1. Awareness of cognition Tips for supporting metacognition Use covert and overt learning strategies Understand that mastering something
takes time and practice Make a plan Monitor your own comprehension Identify your purpose and goal for learning Where does metacognition take place? Hippocampus Prefrontal Cortex Metacognition in the classroom Small group discussions Journaling and reflections Pair & share activities Graphic organizers Mind maps KWL Charts Ways to control cognition Evaluating See where you were efficient in your
learning Monitoring Be aware of your task performance
and comprehension Planning Allocate resources Select appropriate strategies Learning Strategies Covert learning strategies These are not seen Overt learning strategies These are observable What is metacognition? To judge one's levels of learning To monitor, plan, and control mental processing To be consciously aware of oneself The ability to think about one's own thinking