类别 全部 - tests - attention - technology - tools

作者:Gabriel Slater 2 年以前


Mind Map Assignment

The student expresses a need for specific support and tools to enhance their learning experience. They emphasize the importance of having technology that aids them, a comfortable chair, and a quiet environment to help maintain focus.

Mind Map Assignment

Gabriel Kai Slater

How You Can Help Me

State what you need to help you learn.
During Tests:
In Class:

How will these actions help me to pay attention and keep me interested?

not get me distracted

What are some actions of others that help me learn?


What are some actions that I can do to help me learn?

why am i supposed to teach myself

What are some tools to help me to pay attention and keep me interested?

if the work isnt keeping me interested think thats your fault

What are some tools that I can use to help me learn?

chair that i can lean back really far in

What are the most important things that you want all teachers to do for you so that you will feel loved, inspired, and successful?

stop pressuring me to hand in work like sometimes i just dont feel like it

My Stretches (Things that I need help with or need more practice at, or I want to get better at this year.)

What do I need help with?

nothing im perfect

What will I need support for?

i dont like writing about myself stop makiing me write abt myself

What affects me at school? (environment, bright lights, noise, hungry, injustices)

the fact that im stupid

all the classroms make my nose run


What affects my learning that is out of my control?

extremely retarded

like insanely slow i need everything explained to me or i need it put in a diagram or atleast a demonstration

What are things that are hard, but I am getting better at?

waking up

My Strengths (Things that I feel good about, or that make me special, or that can help my community.)

ginormous muscles

What gift/talent/skill do I possess?

literally nothing i worked for everything that im good at and i still suck compare to everyone else

What am I proud of?

when i decide to do work i do work good and i honestly write too much

What are some things that I can help others with or teach to others?

any of my interests that im not going to state again

What are things I can do on my own?


What are some things that I am really good at?

nothing ngl

My Exective Functions

Executive Functions that will help my Learning Skills:
What EFs do I need to focus on? What is a strategy to improve them? (EF Survey)
What EFs do I excel in? (EF Survey)

My Self-Regulation

In what ways can I help move myself from survival to learning mode?

bro what does this even mean

Things that help me stay calm or calm down: (Part 4)

friends, not being at school

I get upset or frustrated when: (Part 4)

i dont know something

What are my major stressors? How do I lighten the load? (Part 3)

work, school, waking up, talking to people, going to sleep,

My Goals

What goals do I have for the future? (personal and academic)
What do I want to get better at this year at home or in life (personal goals)?

getting money(⌐■_■)

What do I want to get better at this year at school?

not procrastinating ab work at home

All About Me

Team Communication (Who are your cheerleaders?):

nobody but its aight

How do I Communicate:

erm i dont

What do I wish I could do more of?
What do I want to learn more about?


What are my interests? (things I like or are passionate about)

music, cars, computers, volley ball kinda sometimes, badminton the easiest sport in the world, swimming, world religion, programming, graphic design, sometimes art

Where do I feel belonging? (community, nation, place)


What makes me special: