作者:Mike's Office 6 年以前
My First Mind Map
Various educational philosophies emphasize different objectives, roles, and curriculum focuses. Humanistic education prioritizes student interests and intellectual growth, with teachers acting as guides for problem-solving and inquiry.
Humanistic, Self Actualization Philosophy: Progressivism Based on students' interests guide for problem solving and inquiry Intellectual growth of the individual alternative and free schooling humanistic education Academic (scholar, rationalism) Philosophy: Essentialism Essential skills and subjects Authority of a subject Mastery of concepts Objectives promote intellectual growth Back to basics Cognitive Processes/Systemic Philosophy: Perennialism Classical subjects Helps students think rationally Questions students using Socratic method Mastery of facts and timeless knowledge educate students to be rational great books Curriculum Philosophies Social Reconstruction/Reconstructionalst Philosophy: Reconstructionalism Curriculum Focus Cultural Pluralism Role of Teacher Change agent Knowledge Learning for current and future society Objective education for social reform Improve society Trends Cultural pluralism Equality