作者:Karen Ramírez 5 年以前
The text delves into the intricacies of neurodidactics and its pivotal role in enhancing learning experiences. It emphasizes the significance of both implicit and explicit memory in education and highlights the brain'
Neurodidactics Cooperative Learning Service Learning Social commitment Critical thinking Collaborative Environment Social and Emotional
Competences Solidar¡ty Problem solving Respect Responsibility Decision making Good classroom
relationships Improves academic
performance Promotes classroom
cooperation Releases dopamine Attention Alert Orientative Executive Self-regulation of cognitive
and emotional processes Memory Implicit Explicit Long-term Short-term Physical Exercise Optimizes attention Optimizes concentration Emotion Motivation Linking learning with reality Awakens curiosity and interest Achievement motivation Initial Motivation Intrinsic Extrinsic Positive emotional
environments Cooperative Active Confident Gaming Flipped Classroom Change of roles ICTs Meet diversity needs Feedback Immediate information Creates suspense Activates brain's
reward system Provides
Essential for learning Joins pleasure, emotions and rewards Creativity Promotion of artistic education Promotion of PBL Can be improved Brain Plasticity Safe environment Generating new neurons Capacity to learn over a lifetime Functional Structural