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作者:Madaminova Ludmila 9 年以前


New English Words

Language continually evolves, incorporating new words that reflect technological advancements and cultural shifts. For instance, "emoticon" represents symbols in digital communication that mimic human expressions using punctuation marks.

New English Words

New English Words


LED-light-emitting diode
LEDA-2.A multi-paradigm language
ZOG-A high-performance hypertext system developed at carnegie-mellon university.
SALEM-A Programming System for the Simulation of Systems Described by Partial Differential Equations
saga-A cuspy but bogus raving story about N random broken people.
Ipod-An Apple Computer branded mp3 player with a large capacity solid state hard drive.
Google-A search engine that currently searches 8,058,044,651 web pages
Gaff-Place of residence or work
EMOTICON-A symbol, usually found in e-mail messages, made up of punctuation marks that resemble a human expression.A symbol, usually found in e-mail messages, made up of punctuation marks that resemble a human expression.
A Cyberchondriac one who imagines that he is ill, having just read about the symptoms on the Internet
An E-Quaintance a person who you only 'know' through online networking


YANK-To insert a copy of some saved text at the current position in a document being edited
SAFE-involve making safe approximations to properties of parts of the program. A safe approximation is one which gives less information
DIRT- design in real time
narrowcast-To send data to a specific list of recipients.
Mailbomb-To deliberately try to disrupt another computer system by sending massive amounts of email to it.
Slapping-The practice of slapping or punching somebody unsuspectedly and recording it with a camera phone. Created to describe actions taking place on the streets.
Google-Made up as a result of technology’s new inventions
To Gaslight - to drive someone crazy by making them doubt their memory or perceptions


QWERTY- The QWERTY layout is a fine example of a fossil. It is sometimes said that it was designed to slow down the typist, but this is wrong; it was designed to allow *faster* typing - under a constraint now long obsolete. In early typewriters, fast typing using nearby type-bars jammed the mechanism. So Sholes fiddled the layout to separate the letters of many common digraphs (he did a far from perfect job, though; "th", "tr", "ed", and "er", for example, each use two nearby keys)
AZERTY -qwerty
LOSSY -A term describing a data compression algorithm which actually reduces the amount of information in the data, rather than just the number of bits used to represent that information. The lost information is usually removed because it is subjectively less important to the quality of the data (usually an image or sound) or because it can be recovered reasonably by interpolation from the remaining data.
TERNARY-the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
UNARY-consisting of or involving a single element or component; "in a unary operation in a mathematical system one element is used to yield a single result"
binary-Any file format for digital data encoded as a sequence of bits but not consisting of a sequence of printable characters (text). The term is often used for executable machine code -