作者:Per Haaland 12 年以前
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Examining fencing manual illustrations involves understanding the context and intent behind these depictions. Artists like Da Vinci and Dürer created works during the high to late medieval period and the Renaissance, where style and skill in art varied significantly.
how to interpret fencing manual illustrations. can we trust the pictures? other depictions what did the artist really want to convey? neoclassisistic ideals was the artist aware of martial arts techniques? da vinci Dürer fencing manuscripts body positions footwork stylistic vs anatomically correct? how can we know the difference? what is anatomically correct? artistic and style features rennaissance and later times neoclassisistic stylization classical ideals in art
new interest in classical arts and sculpture central perspective high to late medieval times religious motives stylized depiction of man and nature skill and style varied much from artist to artist from early medieval times intellectual life and science mostly confined within the clerical and religious sphere artistic expressions mostly religious decline of classical arts