作者:Zeina Ghanem 7 年以前
Nile Delta
Effective management and reuse of wastewater are essential in addressing water scarcity and promoting sustainability. Classifying drains into discharge and reuse categories can facilitate the treatment of wastewater for further usage, such as irrigation and forest planting in arid regions.
To satisfy growing water demand Increase Efficient Stormwater Use Stormwater is rarely used in Egypt Gets mixed with sewage water network Infiltrates into ground Detention Basin Helps remove pollutants from water Enhances water quality Holding runoff for a short time before releasing it Establishment of meteorological stations for measuring rainfall intensity ☄️ Aswan Dam Urban Water Sustainability Water conservation Reducing water demand by using efficient: Taps 🚰 Toilets 🚽 Showers 🚿 Urban Water System of Alexandria City Life Cycle Assessment Method Increasing Water Delivery Installation of turn-outs & off takes Replacement of old structures with new ones ✅♻️ Water Distribution helps agriculture Remodeling the canal cross-section (To store water) Rehabilitation of water structures along canals to minimize water loss Desalination Plants Desalinate agricultural drainage Used for modern irrigation & agriculture 🌾🌽 Not Expensive 🤑💰 Depend on (fossil) energy Using evaporation & membrane & thermal techniques 🌤 Provide water for remote areas Increasing fresh water supply 💦 Reuse of Wastewater Treat Wastewater for further usage 💡 Sustainable Potential Water Source Classifying Drains Discharge Drains Reuse Drains Prevents Water Pollution To plant Forests in the Desert 🌿 Agricultural Drainage Canals Recycled for irrigation Climate Change ❄️ Affects land and People 👨👨👧👦 Air and Water Pollution Affects Agriculture 🌾🌽 Reduces Tourism 👩🌾 Land Loss South Delta Very High risk Land degradation due to urbanization 🏘 Middle Delta Medium Risk High water table & inflexible crop patterns 🌽🍎🥕 North Delta Very High Risk Land degradation due to soil salinity & increase in water table 🌊 Water Access Water Scarcity Water Sources 55.3 Share of Nile 💡 7.5 groundwater in Delta & Valley 5.2 Reuse of Agricultural Water 🌾💦 0.6 Desalination of Sea water 🌊 0.97 Rain &floods ☔️ 1.3 Reuse of Sewage Water 🤦♀️ Water Quality Bad water quality leads to health problems Existence of Heavy Metals Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants 30% Proposed 13% Constructed & Nonoperational 57% Operational Population World Share Lowest 👪 Highest 👨👨👧👦 Density Low North Sinai High Cairo Alexandia Increasing Nile Delta Solutions: Social and Environmental 👍 Problems:Social/ Environmental 👎