作者:Nicole L Jahnke 6 年以前
The debate over the best learning environment continues with various models presenting distinct pros and cons. Traditional classrooms without computers are less expensive and offer hands-on experiences but limit access to information and collaboration.
Learning Environment Online Learning Cons: No personal connection, less accountability Pros: Learning can happen anywhere, constant access, Personalized, differentiated, repeated access, collaboration No Computers in Classroom Cons: Little access to information (only what is found in text in class), less collaboration Pros: Less Expensive, "Hands on Experiences" Computer Stations Cons: Limited Access/Time, Strategic Planning Pros: Students work together in small groups, differentiation Blended/Flipped Classrooms Cons: A lot of time/Prep on front end Pros:Differentiation, Personalization, multiple access Bring Your Own Device Cons: Not all students have own device, difficult to monitor. Pros: Constant Access even at home 1:1 Environment Cons: Expensive Pros: Equal Access, Differentiation, Collaboration, Google Classroom, Personalization, small/whole groups Subtopic