类别 全部 - friendship - deception - bravery - courage

作者:Maggie Mulholland 10 年以前


Number the Stars

The story is set in Copenhagen, Denmark, during World War II, focusing on a young girl named Annemarie. As the protagonist, Annemarie is a ten-year-old Christian who finds herself thrust into the dangerous world of Nazi occupation.

Number the Stars

Number the Stars



The story begins in Copenhagen, Denmark during World War II. The Johansens and their friend the Rosens, who are Jews, discover that Jews are being taken from their homes and removed from their jobs and taken to Concentration camps by Nazis who are occupying Denmark. In order to save the lives of their friends, the Johansens help the Rosens flee to Sweden where they can avoid capture. The story ends two years later after the war, and although the Rosens have not yet returned home, the Johansens continue to wait for them.



Man vs. Society~ The Rosens are attempting to escape this unjust society created by Hitler. They did nothing wrong and yet they are being punished for it. The Johansens feel it is their duty to protect their friends from the Nazis.

"Number the Stars" By: Lois Lowry


Deception of the truth or point-blank lying is acceptable when it is done to protect the people you love. Annemarie learns this lesson after immediately realizing that her mother and uncle are both lying to her. Her uncle confessed that they did indeed lie, but that it was only to preserve her bravery. “‘ Your mama lied to you, and so did I… We did so to help you to be brave, because we love you. Will you forgive us for that?’” (58%).