作者:LEE ZHUN YENG 3 年以前
Oil Pollution
The ocean faces significant threats from various human activities, leading to severe impacts on marine life and ecosystems. One of the primary concerns is oil pollution, which is combated using chemical dispersants and bioremediation techniques that employ bacteria to clean contaminated waters.
Oil Pollution Insulating ability Trend: WIPSEA Organisation that specialises in digital environmental surveys and deep-learning techniques. Insufficient sunlight Trend: Chemical dispersants Dispersants are sprayed onto spills by specially equipped boats or planes. Shallow Inshore water Trend: Bioremediation the use of bacteria to clean the ocean that has oil spills Effects on fish eggs Trend: Booms Floating barrier designed to contain an oil spill Prevent oil spills from spreading Impacts Delayed hatching time Decrease in the number of hatched eggs Consumption of oil by animals Trend: Engine Bolts Tighten engine bolts to prevent oil leakage Birds Cannot Fly Trend: In-situ Burning Life Under Water Overfishing extinction of marine life Fossil fuel It makes the water more acidic Industrial waste Increase murkiness Sewage promotes algae contains bacteria Littering Waste that break down can release toxic meterials Break, suffocate and damage habitats in the ocean Animals that ingest waste can suffer from internal injury, starvation and even death