作者:Laura Wheeler 7 年以前
Online Collections in School Libraries
School libraries are evolving with the digital age, requiring teacher-librarians to play a pivotal role in organizing and curating online collections. This involves categorizing resources by reading level, subject, and format to reduce student anxiety and uncertainty related to research.
Online Collections in
School Libraries Internet Resources Potential for Impermanency add new sources as discovered fix broken links check often if still working enhances (not replaces) print collection interactive variety of formats links to related content efficient cheap quick current global information Tools for Creating
Collections Social Bookmarking
eg. Delicious networking sharing Intranet Teacher-Librarian's
Role Make the library a place to go for information in the digital age Organize collection by... subject Encourage teachers to help suggest sites
& build online collections Decrease student anxiety & uncertainty w.r.t. research Evaluate information sources cost sustainability (long-term sticking power online) navigational design appeal speed of access format reading level depth of content qualified expert author accurate unbiased