类别 全部 - music - experiment - homework - teachers

作者:Isabella Gil 3 年以前


Organigrama arbol

The investigation aimed to understand how music affects human concentration, particularly in educational settings. Researchers conducted surveys among eighth-grade students and consulted teachers to set up an experiment comparing student performance with and without music.

Organigrama arbol


The project seemed very interesting to us, because using music at working is a very common thing that a lot uf us do. This project was useful for knowing if it was effective or not and depending of what factors the concentration changed (type of music, place, etc). The presentation was very good visually, it catched the atention and wasnt full of text so it was confortable of reading. As a recommendation, we would have liked more grades involved in this, we know delimitating is good but using more people can give more precise data and for different ages that would have been very good but we understand it was hard. And speak a little bit more fluently and with more entonation, orally we felt the presentation lacked a little bit of joy or prescense at talking, and it was interrupted very times (wasn´t 100%) fluid. Good job guys and for us as a grade we will give an 89.

By: Jacobo Rodríguez, Isabella Gil and Salomé Mosquera

How was the investigation made?

for the investigation they made some surveys to the 8 grade students and they proceeded to talk to the teachers to make an experiment to see if the students did better with or without music, in the final results we can see that the students did a better job with music than without it.

Key concepts

Homework or classwork
This was also an important charastic because it defined the context where the students worked, it showed different results for both options and they got to the conclusion that depending the place concentration music was more/less effective
concentration/Lack of concentration
This one was also a very important topic because it was the effect of music, they were investigating if with the cause (music) the people improved or get worse at concentrating (effect), the results where in favor of music, specially, the instrumental one.
The music was one of the most important concepts in this senior project, because it was the factor that they use to look for changes, either positive or negative they were testing if music was better for concentrating or it was the opposite, negative for concentration, at the end they got to conclusions based on graphs.

How does music affect human concentration?

out of the people that did the survey 76% feel more concentrated and 23% feel less concentrated
but on the other hand, theres also a group of people that feel distracted when doing homework
With certain genres of music people can releave their stress, and concentrate more leading them to finish their tasks easier and faster.

symphony of creation